Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How to make money on face-book or 2-go 

If you still thinks and use face-book as just a social network then you either a simple mined fellow or ignorant of how social networks work.
Don’t worry I know exactly how you feel because I was once on that boat that you are now until the truth about face-book became clearer to me. And I am going to open your eyes too.

It is a well known fact that social networks are making its owner billions of dollars yearly but do you know that its users like you and I are also making billions off these networks? The fact is these users are making cool cash even more than its owners! So if this is true why then are you not making money with your face-book account or 2-go mobile chat or whatever  social network that you are using as the case may be? Or how do you make money with face-book? 

These are some of the life transforming questions that this article will give answers too. But before I go into the secrets of making money with any social network, let me reiterate that if are not using this amazing internet platform called online social networks to earn cash for yourself you either misinformed or under-informed.

 Also have this at the back of your mind that face-books and others like it can and should make you money- plain and simple. It all depends on the quality and level of information you have at your disposal.

Why are you not making money with your face-book or 2-gO

 Simple, it all depends greatly on the amount and quality of information you have on social networks in general. For instance, if what you know about face-book is that it is a place where you only meet and make friends, therefore, what you do whenever you are on face-book or 2-go mobile chat will be limited to meeting and making friends. As a result of this kind of limited knowledge, the prospect of making money from these networks will be very difficult if not impossible.

But, on the either hand, if you are armed with the understanding that face-book is not only a social network but also a market place where one form of selling or the other is taking place then a whole new world of income-making opportunities becomes open to you. With such powerful quality information at your disposal your money making potentials becomes high and easy to transform into cash in your pocket.

Face-book is also a market place

Whether you like it or not every person that is on face-book is a marketer including you. Yes you! That is the cold fact but it is true. In other words, if you are on any social network like face-book, you are either selling a product for yourself or for someone else. Therefore, every time you post a message on your face-book wall you are indirectly advertising for face-book and as a result make money for the owners of the website. 

Most online social networks can be used as a use or be used relationships. And now is your time to start making money from face book or 2-go and no longer the other way round.

 how to make money on face book or any other   social network
                                  TOP SECRETS EXPOSED
now to get a free copy of this top secret codes on making MONEY FROM online social network like face book or 2-go send your name and  e-mail address to jollyfinest@gmail.com and a web-link to the free copy will be send to the e-mail address so 

Monday, August 20, 2012

face book why me?

               FACE-BOOK IS A THIEF
              3 reasons why you must report face book to EFCC

My fellow Nigerians, you need to note that whether you are using a computer or a mobile phone, each time you sign in on your face-book account you are being defrauded both financially and morally by the owners of the web site.

 How does face book defrauds me? You might want to ask. Research has shown that there are more than 100 ways that this social web site takes advantage of its users but these 3 reasons top the list.

1.     Face book is stealing your money
2.     Face book is stealing your time
3.     Face book is holding your key to riches

To get more details on this top 3 reasons send your name and e-mail address to jollyfinest@gmail.com

Subscribe here with your name and phone number to get free link on how to EARN money with your face-book account now. Offer will end soon so hurry.

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